
Price Cao offers a broad range of corporate and individual tax services for China and Hong Kong based entities. To best assess a comprehensive tax strategy, our tax experts will work closely with you and/or your company to understand the ins-and-outs that affect your tax exposure. All our tax advise is customized to your specific situation.


Corporate Taxes

Our priorities are to build shareholder value while reducing short and long-term tax exposure. We will provide detailed and accurate advisory that deals with tax adjustments, complex tax filings, risk assessments, short and long-term tax planning, and filing requirements. Our goals are to reduce the overall taxes for your company, increase your business’ efficiency, and ensure tax compliance.

The following are examples of some of our tax services:

– Assessment of capital allowances;

– Capital gains tax risk assessment;

– Tax modeling;

– Tax accounting for losses; and

– Regulatory tax assessment.


Individual Taxes

Continuous regulatory and legislative changes, combined with increased tax authority scrutiny on high-wealth individuals, create an environment for private companies and owners whereby proactive tax planning and compliance is necessity to manage their tax liabilities and risks. Price Cao is experienced in managing and advising on tax related issues affecting private businesses, partners, individuals, and families. Price Cao assists private companies, founders, and owners manage their potential tax consequences by formulating proactive planning solutions.

Price Cao advises on wealth management decisions, tax planning, and business decision-making. Additionally, Price Cao will manage any communication or representation necessary with any China or Hong Kong based tax authority.